...then you need a custom-built unit!
Most models in any of the product lines can be custom-built to meet the unique requirements of the end user. And if an existing model cannot meet your requirements, Shipco® will partner with you to custom design a product that does. We offer tanks, either vertical or horizontal configurations, with flat or dished tops or sides on legs or cradles and a variety of accessories. Tank fittings, man-ways, brackets, interior baffles, legs, sight-glass, gauge panels, ladders, hand-rails, etc. are available. Contact your local representative to discuss ordering a custom-built product for your specific application.
"Customized Steam Solution Providers Using the Technology of Tomorrow…Today!" Custom Products Flyer (PDF, 3 MB)
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Examples of custom-built units.
Examples of custom retrofittings to existing equipment.
Two specially elongated high-temperature condensate units with an array of pumps being unloaded and installed.
A 100,000 lbs./hr custom large deaerator crafted to fit through a small doorway and assembled for a tight space inside an industrial food processing plant in New York.
A small capacity deaerator and condensate unit.
A large capacity deaerator and surge tank used inside a hospital.
A cast iron unit with Model U pump mounted on top.
.005 Stacked Deaerator over a Stainless Type CS-B Surge Tank
Fixing pressure motive pumps that have stalled due to conditions; adding DP level transmitter in holding tank with PLC and electric pumps to solve the issue.